Unleash Your Inner Warrior
Here's the problem: you will find God beginning to move in a certain way and someone will resist it saying "I'm a whatever, I'm a [fill-in-the-blank], I’m a Methodist, and we don’t do that". No no, I’m a BELIEVER, contending for the original gospel and we do whatever He is doing! I'm not trying to uphold a standard set by a previous generation. I'm trying to uphold the message that was originally given to a group of people that cost them their lives!"
“They mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage.” (Jude 1:16) Flattery is the counterfeit of honor. In flattery, I say something positive to you, hoping to get something back. It’s for my sake. In honor, I give kind words to you for your sake, not needing anything in return. They may be the same words…” A few days ago, in my daily prayers, I read something so wonderful that I had to share. I hope it moves your heart and helps you lock eyes with your Creator.
Come To Me by Father Thomas Dominic Rover; theologian, playwright, poet. Come over to me, all you who are restless, and I will teach you how to be quiet, how to leave yourself alone. Come over to me, all you who are anxious, even if I don't take your anxiety away, I will change it into fresh currency as you turn your cares into greater belief in my caring. The Way of a Warrior is based on humanity, love, and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship. Emphasis on the physical aspects of warriorship is futile, for the power of the body is always limited. My dear warrior,
A warrior’s life is one that is given in service to others. It is not self-serving. A warrior lives to protect and defend others—not the self. That would simply be called self-defense. I have learned from the one who has gone before me that warriors take in a way that gives back to others, not a way that robs them or leaves them feeling empty or broken. A warrior protects, not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. A warrior is a protector of the entire person: body, heart and mind (or body, spirit and soul. Same thing, different languaging). How can a warrior take in a way that gives much? “God does what is impossible only when the possibilities of man are exhausted. The brilliant thing is, we can stand in our impossible situations and smile because we know now that I’ve reached the end of what is possible for me, I can step into the place of what is possible for Him.” My dear warrior,
In the previous posts, I talked about how we create our own ‘theology of suffering’ in order to be able to make sense of our circumstances. There is no way I could possibly write about every single situation that could possibly exist, but I do think there is a limited amount of scenarios, and that every person’s story is just a permutation of one of these ‘basic story structures’ (for lack of a better term). Today I want to share a different scenario with you: that of tests and territory. Often times, God puts us into certain territory because He wants us to conquer that territory. He wants us to take it for ourselves, to take the blessings that He has already put into it. It is ours …for the taking. It is ours, but it is up to us to conquer that territory. |
Check out Michele's new book, now available for purchase on Amazon!
Mere Humanity: Becoming a Mature Christian in an Immature World