Unleash Your Inner Warrior
How To End The Battle In Your Mind: On Trusting God With Your Reputation and Circumstances12/31/2016 “The human spirit will not even begin to try to surrender self-will as long as all seems to be well with it. Now error and sin both have this property, that the deeper they are the less their victim suspects their existence; they are masked evil. Pain is unmasked, unmistakably evil; every man knows that something is wrong when he is being hurt.” My dear warrior,
Sometimes life hits us with such unexpected circumstances that we find our minds completely hijacked by all that is happening to us. You get the wind knocked out of you, your feet taken out from under you, and you find your life spiraling out of control, and you have no idea what just happened. The fear, regret, shame, guilt, burden and anxiety can so overwhelm the toughest of mind and spirit that you feel worthless and barely know how to function anymore. You’re hit with massive self-doubt, self-loathing, and feel like you are constantly being verbally assaulted by others or mentally assaulted by your own thoughts. You’re left on your knees, begging God to put an end to the suffering.
Check out Michele's new book, now available for purchase on Amazon!
Mere Humanity: Becoming a Mature Christian in an Immature World