Unleash Your Inner Warrior
For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. — 2 Timothy 1:7 My dear warrior,
I will begin by being open about something in my own life: I have struggled with the fear of man for years without ever even recognizing what it was. I understand how easy it can be to be overwhelmed by the enemy, to become fearful in any given situation because it all seems so much bigger than you. It’s easy to look at all the crises around the world, to look at ISIS, or to see the influence of the Masons at work in the media and to simply feel like you’re being overtaken by wave after tsunami wave. It can feel like you are drowning in it all, but I also know that this feeling (which is so easy to get) is a sign that you are focusing on the wrong things.
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Mere Humanity: Becoming a Mature Christian in an Immature World