Unleash Your Inner Warrior
“God does what is impossible only when the possibilities of man are exhausted. The brilliant thing is, we can stand in our impossible situations and smile because we know now that I’ve reached the end of what is possible for me, I can step into the place of what is possible for Him.” My dear warrior,
In the previous posts, I talked about how we create our own ‘theology of suffering’ in order to be able to make sense of our circumstances. There is no way I could possibly write about every single situation that could possibly exist, but I do think there is a limited amount of scenarios, and that every person’s story is just a permutation of one of these ‘basic story structures’ (for lack of a better term). Today I want to share a different scenario with you: that of tests and territory. Often times, God puts us into certain territory because He wants us to conquer that territory. He wants us to take it for ourselves, to take the blessings that He has already put into it. It is ours …for the taking. It is ours, but it is up to us to conquer that territory.
My dear warrior,
Warriors cannot be effective on the battlefield with a mind that is cast into turbulent thoughts. Neither can they stay strong or be their best if their minds are similarly chaotic in their day-to-day lives. A warrior knows he must allow himself a chance to rest and recharge. Mokuso is a Japanese word we use in Martial Sciences that simply means to still your thoughts. (moku meaning still or silent, and so, meaning thoughts). It is the word my instructor uses to tell me I must take a moment to clear my mind of all the cares and burdens of the week, to lay aside distractions and put away all things that would inhibit me from training well as a warrior, or being effective in battle. |
Check out Michele's new book, now available for purchase on Amazon!
Mere Humanity: Becoming a Mature Christian in an Immature World