Unleash Your Inner Warrior
Your name is Life, Your name is Hope inside me, Hope inside me. My dear warrior,
Just like the lyrics above say, His name is Hope, His name is Life inside of us! He is our hope. Beloved, if there is any place in your life for which you have no hope, it is under the influence of a lie. I will say that again. Any circumstance or situation for which you have no hope is under the influence of a lie. So if you have found yourself having thoughts that are hopeless, thoughts that leave you without hope, or thinking about things for which you have no hope, have another thought! Have a better thought.
My dear warrior,
Warriors cannot be effective on the battlefield with a mind that is cast into turbulent thoughts. Neither can they stay strong or be their best if their minds are similarly chaotic in their day-to-day lives. A warrior knows he must allow himself a chance to rest and recharge. Mokuso is a Japanese word we use in Martial Sciences that simply means to still your thoughts. (moku meaning still or silent, and so, meaning thoughts). It is the word my instructor uses to tell me I must take a moment to clear my mind of all the cares and burdens of the week, to lay aside distractions and put away all things that would inhibit me from training well as a warrior, or being effective in battle. |
Check out Michele's new book, now available for purchase on Amazon!
Mere Humanity: Becoming a Mature Christian in an Immature World