Unleash Your Inner Warrior
My dear warrior,
There is a common misconception about what it means to pray for God’s will to be done. There are two different directions that people take the notion of praying for His will. This week I was ministering to someone and teaching her about prayer, and realized how few people really seem to know how to pray. I’ve been finding out more and more that people don’t know how to pray, or that they feel unsure about what they’re doing or lack discipline in their prayer life. Beloved, it is so important that you learn how to pray, how to be intentional about what you pray and to enjoy communing with God in conversation.
My dear warrior,
It is on my heart to write is about your worth according to Him. There’s a difference between being worthy and being deserving, and it is one of the most important things we must understand as Christians—and yet, it is never talked about in church. We need to be fed spiritual truths to help us grow and mature, and build us up. That’s what you are called to do. You are called to feed others, but you cannot feed others where you yourself are starved. You cannot give what you do not have. My dear warrior, You know that God has placed a high calling on your life; you know that God sees your true identity; you know that He knows who you are. The problem we face in our daily lives is not how God sees us (He sees us through Christ), but rather how we see ourselves. If you look at your past and feel like your mistakes and failures define you, like you cannot escape them, then let me encourage you today. Just because you feel defeated, or like you are defined by past mistakes that you can’t get away from, or like you are damaged does not mean that it is true. You are not worth any less because of the hand that life has dealt you. You are not unworthy of God’s love and He has no desire to see you walking around with your head down and tail tucked between your legs because you cannot see beyond your failures. |
Check out Michele's new book, now available for purchase on Amazon!
Mere Humanity: Becoming a Mature Christian in an Immature World